Contrasting color tights clash in this rolling catball fight when rival ballerinas VeVe and Safa come to blows!
Both ladies have their eyes on the leading role, but things get physical as they argue over who better deserves the part. As tempers flare, these angry dancers lock up and fall to the floor for a wild, rolling, leg-entangling battle!
Furious and full of energy, the ladies roll and fight with legs rubbing and intertwined. They stay front-to-front, taunting each other, crying out with effort, and attacking each other with hair-pulling, throat grabbing, face-clawing, breast grabbing, and more. They gradually kick off their ballet shoes as they fight and occasionally even use their discarded shoes to hit each other. At last, after a vigorous struggle, VeVe manages to snatch up a shoe and smother her rival with it, until the smell forces Safa to finally (and desperately!) give up. With Safa's surrender, VeVe takes a victory pose... and the leading role!
Furious attitude. Catball includes both fast and slow rolling, and pauses for squeezing and fight exchanges. Includes many views of the ladies' legs, from various distances and angles. Also full body and face views. Tights never run or tear. The ladies wear thong leotards, tutus, pantyhose. Ballet shoes are removed during fight.